Stockland Community Pub Limited (SCPL) – Saving the Kings Arms
SCPL Share Offer Launch Announced – Meeting at the Victory Hall Stockland
We will be hosting a Share Offer Launch Meeting at 7.00pm on Friday 18th May at the Victory Hall, Stockland.
There will be a Pop-up-Pub afterwards. We look forward to seeing you there, and explaining to you how a Community Pub can work for everyone, across all demographic groups.
Let’s put the heart back into Stockland!
SCPL Awarded the Community Shares Unit Standard Mark
The Community Shares Unit (CSU) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) work together to promote good practice by societies making community share offers. While the CSU has no formal powers to require societies to follow the guidance set out in their Handbook, it has established the Community Shares Standard Mark as a way to recognise and promote good practice. The Mark is awarded to community share offers by independent practitioners who have been licenced by the CSU to carry out this work on its behalf.
We are pleased to announce to our supporters that our Governance Rules, Business Plan, Share Offer document and Share Application Form have all been independently assessed by a qualified practitioner licensed by the CSU and that we have been awarded the Community Shares Standard Mark.
The Community Shares Standard Mark is awarded by the Community Shares Unit to offers that meet national standards of good practice. These standards ensure that:
The offer document and application form are easy to understand
You are provided with all the facts you need to make an informed decision
The facts are supported by the annual accounts and/or business plan for the society
Nothing in the documents is purposefully incorrect, confusing or misleading
Societies are asked to sign a Code of Practice requiring them, among other things, to give the public a right of complaint to the Community Shares Unit.
For more information about community shares, the Community Shares Standard Mark and the Community Shares Unit go to:
We will release the other share offer documents in the near future..
Stockland Community Pub Limited is a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 – No. 32191R Registered Office: Shorms, Shore Bottom, Stockland, Honiton, Devon EX14 9DQ