Since May when we announced the deal to buy the pub many people have asked not only how to invest financially but also how they can get involved on a practical basis. The Management Committee have been speaking for some time about setting up a variety of working groups covering a number of aspects of our aims. We are eager to engage with as many volunteers as possible, not least as there is so much to do!
In particular many green fingers have been twitching, eager to get to grips with the pub grounds which are looking very overgrown and dreary. The only exceptions to that have been the lovely colourful window boxes that Lisa Barnes has kept tended, which have really cheered up the boarded pub front. It has really been appreciated!
Meanwhile we are delighted to announce that management committee member Jane Yates is heading up the first working group, namely “Gardens & Grounds”. Once Exchange of Contracts has taken place we are hoping to obtain permission from the current owners to begin cutting back, clearing and replanting the seriously overgrown gardens and grounds. However planning exactly what needs to be done has started!
A number of volunteers have already come forward but if you wish to join the group please email us at and we will get back to you.
Stockland Community Pub Limited is a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 – No. 32191R Registered Office: Shorms, Shore Bottom, Stockland, Honiton, Devon EX14 9DQ