Take Away Service Resumes
Amidst the gloom of the latest Covid-19 clampdown, we have some good news. The fab team at the Kings Arms announce the restart of their cracking take-away service!
Friday 6th November is Fish & Chip night courtesy of West Country Catch. Take a look at the menu here: https://scpl.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Kings-Arms-Take-Away-Fish-Chips-061120.pdf
Throughout November the delicious Sunday Lunch take-away is back on! Take a look at the Sunday menu here: https://scpl.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Kings-Arms-Take-Away-Sunday-Lunch-081120.pdf
To order phone 01404 881686
Community Pubs Report for 2020
The Plunkett Foundation carry out an annual survey of the community pubs which they sponsor and advise. The good news is that despite the Covid-19 restrictions earlier in the year, all community pubs throughout England are proving to be resilient and none have failed!
You can read all about it here, including the full page feature on our beloved community pub the Kings Arms in Stockland! https://scpl.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Plunkett_BB-2020_Pubs_final.pdf
Brief Heads-Up for Shareholders
Due to the likely impact of Covid-19 on our ability to hold a physical Annual Members Meeting or AMM (normally held early in February), we have taken advice from the Plunkett Foundation regarding this matter.
The outcome is that we will report to all members and shareholders in written format, including copies of the accounts for year ending September 30 2020.
Over the course of the next few weeks, the SCPL Management Committee will be sending out an information pack to all members and shareholders. This will be delivered via email to those members who supplied an email address, and via Royal Mail/hand delivery to those members who did not.
The information pack will enable you all to vote on the resolutions which normally occur at the AMM. You can also raise any queries with us via email or post.
We will follow this up with elections to the Management Committee, so if you are interested in standing, look out for the self-nomination form contained in the information pack.
Finally, we will hold a remote AMM Q&A session by Zoom early in the new year, for those people who are tech-savvy. Don’t worry if you cannot attend – you will already have had the opportunity to vote on all matters and raise questions in writing prior to the event, and we will publish the minutes of the meeting.