You should by now have received an information pack from the Management Committee, either by post or email depending on the preferences you gave when you applied for your shares.
The information sent to you includes a written report on the activities of SCPL for the year ending 30 September 2020 and the accounts for the year.
Other important information includes a Resolutions form for you to fill in and return to the office; a self-nomination form if you wish to stand to become a member of the the Committee; and a note on how to be invited to a virtual (Zoom) meeting in the new year.
If you have not received this information:
Check your Spam folder for an email with attachments from
If you still cannot find the email, please get in touch with the office by emailing or speak directly to a member of the Committee.
Completed Self Nomination Forms need to be returned to the office by 5 December 2020, completed Resolution Forms need to be returned by 22 January 2021. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information sent to you, please contact the office.
Stockland Community Pub Limited is a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 – No. 32191R Registered Office: Shorms, Shore Bottom, Stockland, Honiton, Devon EX14 9DQ
This was a good way to handle this year’s AMM.
Thanks Jo